Employability Skills

Employability skills describe employer's requirements for competencies which form an important part of effective and successful participation in the workplace. Employability Skills are part of your training and assessment.

The Employability Skills are: Communicating, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Initiative and Enterprise, Planning an Organising, Self-management, Learning Technology and OHSE. Specific examples of skills and behaviours which contribute to the overall understanding of an Employability Skill are called facets. These vary between industries and job roles.
Employability Skills and their facets, form an Employability Skills Framework as seen below.

COMMUNICATIONThe learner contributes to productive and harmonious interaction between staff, peers and clients by communicating ideas and concepts, sharing information, assisting with the interpretation of design briefs and presenting design concepts.

TEAMWORK The learner contributes to productive working relationships and outcomes by providing a practical support by giving feedback to peers and other team members.

PROBLEM SOLVING The learner contributes to productive and innovative outcomes by identifying possible solutions for design briefs, and making suggestions for resolving technical issues or other constraints related to design tasks assigned to them.

INITIATIVE & ENTERPRISEThe learner contributes to innovative outcomes by demonstrating initiative and enterprise in generation of creative solutions for a range of design briefs. This involves investigation of the clients wants and needs, and identifying a range of design solutions within the constraints of the client brief.

PLANNING & ORGANISINGThe learner organised their own workspace and workflow, and plans the execution of their work to achieve high quality
outcomes within expected budgets and time-frames and contributes to long-term and short-term strategic planning.

SELF-MANAGEMENTThe learner develops skills in self management and self reliance, in order to develop and maintain careers in design and contributes to employee satisfaction and growth.

The learner interprets and applies information acquired from a broad range of sources. This includes learning a range of visual communication and design research skills, and gaining proficiency in a continuously increasing range of digital graphics applications. This contributes to ongoing improvement and expansion in empo9yee and company operations and outcomes.

TECHNOLOGY The learning demonstrates proficiency in the use of digital technology and graphics software applications specifically designed to p produce design work for a variety of communication contexts and contributes to effective execution of tasks.

The learner adheres to and implements OHSW regulations related to the design industry


·Listening and understanding workplace information
·Clearly communicating workplace information to others (verbal & non verbal)
·Reading and interpreting workplace related documentation
·Writing to audience needs
·Interpreting needs of customers (internal/external)
·Establishing and using appropriate networks (informal or formal)
·Negotiating effectively
·Being appropriately assertive

·Working as an individual and as a member of a team
·Working with diverse individualsand groups
·Applying knowledge of own role as part of a team
·Applying team work to a range of situations e.g. future skills to a range of workplace situations
· Identifying and utilising the strengths ofother team members
·Receiving and giving feedback and, where no job role, providingand mentoring
·Developing practical response to workplace related functions
·Solving workplace issues andproblems individually or inteams
·Applying a range of strategies in workplace problem solving
·Taking the workplace context into account in problem solving
·Taking action to resolve concerns
·Using numeracy skills (eg working within budgets; taking measurements)
·Adapting to new and emerging situations
·Being creative or proactive in response to workplace problems, changes and challenges
·Identifyingworkplace related opportunities
·Generating a range of options in response to workplace matters
·Translating ideas into appropriateaction
·Developing innovative solutions to workplace challenges
·Developing a strategic, creative, long term vision
·Collecting, analysing and organising workplace information
·Using business systems for planning and organising
·Planning for contingencies
·Participating in, or establishingimprovement and planning processes
·Working within, or establishing clear project goals and outcomes
·Utilising or determining required resources
·Allocating resources to work place tasks and requirements

·Havingpersonal goals and vision
·Applying the formal workplace vision and mission
·Being clear on own role in relation to workplace vision an mission
·Monitoring and evaluating own performance
·Taking personal responsibility at the appropriate level
·Manage own time and priorities
·Following workplace documentation such as codes of practice or operating procedures
·Being a role model and leader
·Maintaining personal hygiene (OHS)
·Projecting a professional image when representing the organisation
·Participating in ongoing learning (formal or informal)
·Seeking out and learning new ideas, skills and techniques
·Reflecting on own learning
·Contributing to the learning of others
·Contributing to or developing learningplans (self or others)
·Seeking assistance and expert advice
·Maintaining knowledge of products and services
·Improving performance, product or skills through experimentation, and practice or rehearsal
·Using business related technology and equipment
·Applying business related technology skills in organising and using workplace information
·Monitoring technological developments and responding accordingly
·Using business related technology safely (OHS)
·Comparing and recommending or purchasing new business technology
·Choosing, using and maintaining machinery and equipment